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Notwithstanding exceptions explicitly determined by law, no part of this digital publication (including, but not limited to the texts, the structure, the lay-out, the graphic components, the presentation, the logos, the software, the source codes, the technical documentation, the help texts and the user manual) may be wholly or partially altered, copied, distributed, passed on, translated, disseminated, rendered, reproduced, published, licenced, transferred, sold or stored in an automated data file, nor may works be created that are wholly or partially derived from the abovementioned elements, without prior written permission from Pro-Pay NV. All of the abovementioned elements of this digital publication are protected as intellectual property, including but not limited to copyright, neighbouring rights, databank rights and trademark rights.
Pro-Pay NV, Erik Van den Eynde (COO), Twin Squares – Madison Building Culliganlaan 1A, 1831 Diegem, Belgium. Tel: +32 2 302 19 01.
Last update of this notification is July 23, 2024.