
minimum wage in Belgium (Payroll Belgium)

Official minimum wage in Belgium 2022

What is the minimum wage in Belgium 2022?

If an employer has the intention to offer a salary package to an candidate or future employee, it is important to know what is the minimum wage in Belgium in 2022. This post will explain it.

Definition national minimum wage

The national minimum wage is the minimum amount (lowest salary) per hour, per day, or per month that employers may legally pay to employees.

National minimum wage in Belgium

A first thing to consider is the fact that Belgium has minimum salaries which need to be respected. The minimum salary is usually set at sector level through a collective labour agreement (CLA) within the competent Joint Industrial Committee (JIC). In the absence of a sector CLA, the national minimum wages are applicable.

Minimum wage goes up

On April 1, 2022, the national minimum wage for employees over 18 years old is € 1.806,16 per month. This minimum wage is adjusted to the cost of living on a regular basis.

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